Couples Coaching
“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”
― Lao Tzu
Do you and your partner have a strong foundation of love for each other? Do you have topics on which you need clarity and thoughtful discussion? Do you want fewer conflicts in your relationship? Do you want to improve your communication in your relationship? Do you want to understand and be understood more fully by your partner? Do you want greater fulfillment in your marriage?Do you want greater intimacy?
Whether you are married or are building a new relationship, I will coach you and your partner so that you both feel strong, understood and valued in your relationship. You will learn to communicate more clearly and listen non-defensively. You will learn to effectively resolve conflict. I can coach you through a challenging transition or difficult relationship issues. While each relationship is unique, you can expect to feel more clarity, o feel more understood and experience greater intimacy through our coaching.
My relationship coaching style appeals to intelligent, open-minded couples who have a strong foundation of love and respect for each other and who place a high priority on personal responsibility and self-awareness, emotional honesty and growth in their relationship.
Finding the right Coach for you is a tremendously important part of the successful outcome of Coaching. I offer a brief initial telephone call at no charge for you to ask questions about coaching, to discuss your goals, time frame and fees.
Marriage Philosophy
Every marriage is a fascinating, dynamic interplay and complex merger of all the many facets of two individuals' personalities, life experiences, feelings, thoughts and needs. It is a complex dance, not a static entity of unidimensional roles.
Because you love each other, you have the capacity to hurt and frustrate each other, sometimes very deeply. If there were no love or hope, there would be no hurt or disappointment. The capacity for love and hurt are directly proportional to each other. At the same time, with the right coaching, conflicts in relationships can be turned into opportunities for greater understanding, intimacy and growth.
We often love the way we want to be loved - but that may not be what our partner wants or needs. I help couples listen and learn more deeply about each other and use that information to communicate and love effectively rather than struggle with or try to change each other.
“We see things as we are, not as they are.” ~ Anais Nin
Coaching will help you see your partner as they are, to understand their needs and values - not what you think they should need or value. With this understanding, it becomes more straightforward how to love effectively and to be loved in return.
couples helped
"I really didn’t know how to think about or deal with my own and my partner’s feelings until I started working with Elizabeth. Her coaching totally changed my life! Her knowledge, compassion and support are a rare combination."
- S.D. Cambridge, MA
"I think of it as growing up more, or learning a new language, with the reward of a stronger, more thoughtful and more loving marriage."
- E.S. Weston, MA
"Elizabeth is exceptionally kind and highly creative in helping me understand and work through troublesome issues in all my relationships - with my spouse, friends, boss, co-workers and even neighbors. I recommend Elizabeth highly and without reservation."
- G.C. Wayland, MA
"She is a clear thinker and combines thoughtfulness and humor as we talk through what I want in my relationships. Our work together has been very successful helping me to build satisfying, deep friendships that I never thought I could achieve"
- K.C. Boston, MA
Couples Helped by Relationship Coaching:
Couples experiencing active conflicts
Couples avoiding conflict and experiencing distance in their relationship
Couples who want a deeper, richer understanding of themselves and each other
Couples in premarital relationships who want to establish good problem-solving and communication
Couples who want tot are their relationship to the next level
Couples who want to experience the best of each other and their relationship
Couples who want to repair broken trust
Couples who want greater intimacy
Couples dealing with challenging life issues
Results of Relationship Coaching
More fulfillment in your relationship
Heightened understanding of yourself and/or partner
Improved ability to articulate your needs and feelings clearly and thoughtfully to each other
Deeper connections in your relationships
Improved ability to listen non-defensively
Improved ability to collaborate and problem-solve
Fewer, less hurtful conflicts
Heightened compassion, empathy and support for each other
Greater intimacy
*These photos are from a private collection of vintage snapshots. I've incorporated them into the webpage to capture particular emotions and states of mind to demonstrate some of the goals and outcomes of my coaching.